Lisa has turned the corner and is on her way. The new tracker on  her website (tracker is amazing) is indicating some stronger weather heading her way however she seems happy and is moving along quite nicely.


Lisa has put together such a great project and achieved what many people said she could not do. She has got to the start.  Many people say that this is the hardest part.  She has had lots of support from sponsors, friends, family and strangers.

She always expected to secure a Major Sponsor (not trying to devalue the amazing sponsorship she has received already.  People in the know are surprised that she has not yet got a major sponsor.  Although her project had been presented to many large companies, who did show intense interest,  I think that they just did not think she would be able to pull it off.  Particularly within the time frame she had.

Well she did...........She has gone............She has set sail for her record attempt ...................and she has left a very greying mother in her wake.

The project has been huge.  The last month was chaos.  As daughters do, she was eventually able to sail off into the sunset.......only the weather to worry about ................leaving mum to sort out her life............along with her shore based team of volunteers.

She was very aware of not letting anyone down and was intent on making sure she kept a good relationship with everyone in the trade of sailing. In the last 2 weeks however she received an unexpected large bill (arrived on the 17th Jan) plus there was a bit of a blow out due to the delay in departure and in all honesty it was absolute chaos.

I don't want to be negative about what she has achieved so far.........what she had achieved is amazing.

I have gone through everything and she urgently needs $11,637 to finalise the remaining accounts. This only represents less that 3% of the total budget however it is the 3% that she has not got.

So if you are inspired by her efforts, if you are passionate about adventure, if you are concerned about climate action, then she needs your help.

If 100 people contributed $100 each or, if 1000 contributed $10 each that would give her $10,000 and that would be pretty close to done. Donating is easy to do online. Just click the DONATE button located on the main menu bar.

Please share and spread the word...........