Well-known sailor Lisa Blair has partnered with Clean Ocean Foundation to deliver a fantastic marketing opportunity that would directly link your business to a project which has climate scientists around the world excited.
Lisa, and her yacht Climate Action Now, are currently attempting to secure her fourth world record as the fastest person to sail solo, nonstop and unassisted around Antarctica below 45 degrees. This has presented an opportunity to collect scientific data on ocean health, deploy weather drifter buoys and collect microplastic samples in the most remote oceans of Antarctica. Few ships travel these areas and minimal data currently exists.
This has attracted the interest of many climate organisations around the world and when coupled with the adventure aspect of the project, ensures extensive national and worldwide media coverage. This will be amplified due to the strength of the climate organisations and corporate sponsors involved.
Along with other benefits, as part of your Degree Sponsorship, you will receive a media package. You can use this to promote your business and capitalise on its association with this project through your usual media channels.
As a Degree Sponsor, you will be listed on the website and will be specifically called out when your individual degree has been traversed. Minus the administration costs, the sponsorship funds will go towards the equipment required, to safely collect and process this scientific data and complete the record-breaking voyage. Clean Ocean Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation so your donation is 100% tax-deductible.
360 - Benefits:
Logo displayed on Lisa's website under 360-degree sponsors. You can use your own business or name, nominate a business, or dedicate the degree as a gift to someone else.
Acknowledgment through social media.
Assigned a degree for the trip (you are welcome to request a degree that has a meaning to you and Lisa will do her best to accommodate your request).
Acknowledged through Lisa's blog when she traverses your degree of her record.
Supplied a media pack of photos and videos for the promotion of your sponsorship.
Supplied a certificate of appreciation with a framed image of Lisa's yacht Climate Action Now under sail.
Receive a signed copy of Lisa's book titled 'Facing Fear' (posted with certificate).
Benefit from a tax deduction for your sponsorship through my partnership with the Clean Ocean Foundation based in Melbourne.
Best of all, you are signing on to support an Aussie adventurer to generate real data for our climate and marine scientist community. Support our future!