Clock was stopped when the Pan Pan was issued and restarted when Lisa recrossed the track west of this point, 80 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes and 5 seconds later.
Lisa Blair Sails the World
Follow Lisa as she attempts to become the first female to circumnavigate Antarctica solo.
Lisa Blair Sails the World
Follow Lisa as she attempts to become the first female to circumnavigate Antarctica solo.
Climate action now
Since Lisa began sailing in 2005 she has noticed the impact that man-made climate change has on our environment.
Clock was stopped when the Pan Pan was issued and restarted when Lisa recrossed the track west of this point, 80 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes and 5 seconds later.
I was so very excited about the possibility of finishing the record tomorrow afternoon however the weather conditions last night and tonight have blasted that idea right out of the water. Last night there was…………
I honestly can’t believe that I have now spent 90 days at sea solo and seen only two ships... It sometimes feels like I have been at sea for years and other days it feels like I only just began with this adventure. This is the longest…….
Are you are inspired by Lisa's efforts? Passionate about Women in Sailing? Living and sharing the adventure? Contribute and help Lisa spread the message of Climate Action Now!
OMG, I have just had the most intense and exciting 48 hours and there is so much to share with you all. Day 91 was going to be my last full day at sea, and I still had over 150 nm left to sail in the morning……..