Hi From Lisa

Click here for A Word From Lisa if you have not already seen it on Facebook.

I (Mum),  would like to thank a few standout people, Jeff and Sue from the National Maritime College who are coordinating all the different international bodies along with the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre in Cape Town. Sue had the difficult task of calling me at 4.00am yesterday to let me know the situation.  They are controlling everything and I truly would not know where to start if it was not for them.

Tracey from Twentieth Letter Marketing +Communications who has been managing all the media. (also from 4.00am yesterday morning) She has been doing an amazing job of protecting Lisa's family from unnecessary attention and has kept the story unfolding with the different outlets.

When they agreed to sponsor their services I am sure they did not expect to be dealing with this. Between them they have allowed me to just be a mum. I am not sure where I would be (or Lisa for that matter) without them.

As you can see from Lisa's Facebook there are many other people who are helping or offering to help. I would love to mention more however I am scared I will leave someone out, so I am going with.......... you know who you all are and we are very grateful. It is amazing the level support and good will Lisa is receiving towards her situation. I have no doubt that everything will work out..... and, along with Lisa's efforts it will be largely due to the efforts of all of you.

Thank you so much


Blog soon......Promise!